Privacy Policy

Privacy & Cookie Policy

Clara-H and each of their respective subsidiary, parent and affiliated companies (collectively referred to herein as "OLEAH") is deemed to operate this Website (the “Website”). ‘OLEAH’ ("we" or "us") recognizes that you care how information about you is used and shared. We have created this Privacy Policy to inform you what information we collect on the Website, how we use your information and the choices you have about the way your information is collected and used. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. Your use of this Website indicates that you have read and accepted our privacy practices, as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Please be advised that the practices described in this Privacy Policy apply to information gathered by us or our subsidiaries, affiliates or agents: (i) through this Website, (ii) through information provided to us in conjunction with marketing promotions and sweepstakes.

We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices on any websites linked to

Cookies (hereinafter referred to as "OLEAH", "we" or "us") use cookies for statistical purposes and to improve user experience and online advertising campaigns. One of the cookies we use is essential for parts of the site to operate and has already been set. This site does not work without cookies. By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies for this purpose.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small files which are stored on your device to keep track of your visit to the website and your preferences; as you move between pages, and sometimes to save settings between visits. Cookies help the builders of websites gather statistics about how often people visit certain areas of the website, and help in tailoring websites to be more useful and user-friendly.

For more information on cookies, please feel free to visit the UK Information Commissioner’s Office website ( for a more detailed description of the purpose and usage of cookies, and information on how to control and delete cookies from your browser.

How are cookies used in this website?

The cookies we store on OLEAH are used to:

  • track the number, and type of visits to the website, and its pages, in order for us to determine which parts of the site are working well, and which need improvement,
  • store your preferences, for screen layouts, including your preferred language and country,
  • gather statistics on the number of users and their usage patterns,
  • improve the speed and performance of the website pages.
  • to provide you with marketing communication and information about our company and products.

Third party cookies and partners

  • Occasionally we will use third party plug-ins and components to improve the user’s experience and our online advertising campaigns. These components may also use cookies for similar purposes. Neither the third party nor OLEAH has access to any data collected by the other via cookies.
  • We may use cookies to display OLEAH advertisements when you visit third party websites with whom we have marketing relationships.
  • Under certain circumstances, these third parties may collect anonymized information about your use of our and other websites and make these anonymized data available to us, including, but not limited to, your geographical details, your user behavior on a website or the names of websites on which you were shown ads.
  • We may use this information to provide you with more relevant and useful advertising and help us improve the effectiveness of our advertising efforts. 

Deleting Cookies

You may opt-out of cookies (and the use of this website) at any time, by deleting the cookies that were set by the site. This can be done via the settings of your internet browser, by deleting cache, browsing history and cookies.


This Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites that are not operated or monitored by OLEAH. These other websites are not subject to this Policy and we are not responsible for their content or for the policy they apply to the treatment of personal data. Your use of these links will be at your own risk.


Updates to this Privacy & Cookie Policy

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify, update, add to, discontinue, remove or otherwise change any portion of this Privacy & Cookie Policy, in whole or in part, at any time. When we amend this Privacy & Cookie Policy, we will revise the "last updated" date located at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

If you provide information to us or access or use the Website in any way after this Privacy & Cookie Policy has been changed, you will be deemed to have unconditionally consented and agreed to such changes. The most current version of this Privacy & Cookie Policy will be available on the Website and will supersede all previous versions of this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you should contact us by email at

Last updated on 4 Feb 2019

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